Five Best Methods For Land Clearing

Land clearing is an essential work for both the construction and agriculture industries. For construction projects, there are vegetation, trees, and rocks that need to be removed from the land where the new building will be built. 

Agriculture too requires land clearing work because the soil loses its nutrients over time. Clearing the land helps to revitalize the soil and to clear any excess vegetation that is depriving the soil of its nutrients. It can make it much easier for new vegetation to thrive and grow when you clear the land. 

When is Land Clearing Needed?

Prior to constructing new buildings or roads, the land needs to be cleared of obstructions that stand in the way of the project. It also helps establish solid land foundations for you to utilize the land as originally planned. 

Land clearing helps the agriculture industry get all the nutrients required for a new healthier crop. Clearing land is an essential task that needs to be done on a regular basis for farmers.

There are five best methods you can consider for land clearing. 

Five Different Ways to Clear Land

There are different methods for clearing land, and it comes down to the requirements of the project. At times, teams use multiple methods to clear the land to achieve the best results. Below are five of the most common and best methods for clearing land to prepare a site for an agriculture or construction project. 


Burning is the most common way to clear your land quickly. However, it causes environmental damage such as deforestation and air pollution. You are unable to selectively choose the tree or vegetation you want to clear via burning. There is also a risk that you cannot control the fire and it causes unwanted damage to your and others’ property. The heat from the fire can burn the ground to the point of sterilization that you are unable to grow anything for some time, if you are clearing the land to grow new vegetation.


Mulcher is a better alternative to burning because it can help you to select cut and process vegetation. When you remove trees and vegetation via mulching, you are putting organic matter back onto the ground.

By placing the mulch back to the ground, you are preventing the regrowth of invasive species and helping to promote the growth of natural vegetation. Mulching takes away the need for you to come back and fix up the land. 


Bulldozing is the method of using a bulldozer to run over and remove all obstructions from the land. It is a quick and easy technique to clear land, as it keeps the roots intact to allow the vegetation to grow back after the clearing. 

But bulldozing has the potential to damage the topsoil. That’s the reason it’s only used for small and intermediate construction projects and not for large construction or agriculture. 


Instead of bulldozing over the land, chains are attached to the vegetation and a tractor, which will pull off the vegetation effectively. It is also known as the pullover method in land clearing techniques.

Grubbing and Dozing

You can cover a lot of land by using grubbing and dozing to clear the land. This type of land clearing,however, leaves large holes behind and creates a messy finish. This type of finish may be acceptable in some circumstances, depending on projects. However, you will need to return to fill the holes with dirt if you are using the land for pasturing animals or haying.

If you need reliable help and advice on the best way to clear your land, get in touch with us at Mission Site Management.