What You Should Know About Commercial Building Maintenance

Property maintenance entails a slew of responsibilities and timely interventions to ensure the smooth functioning of critical facilities and services. Because a commercial property or residential complex receives a high volume of traffic, a breakdown in a particular facility or service might fail systems, ultimately impeding the capacity to do business or carry out operations at the site.

Commercial facility maintenance may include both restorative and aesthetic components. For instance, a property manager may need to step in for repairs concerning the building’s elevator, defective light fixtures, or garbage disposal. Alternatively, they would also be required to attend to the property's aesthetic upkeep, such as landscaping, gardening, or painting requirements.

Property maintenance is important not just for the people who use the building, but also for the property owner. Consider it a regular investment that will keep the property well-maintained and operational for many years to come. Here’s a breakdown of some of its specific benefits.

Ensures Safety

If a property is not properly maintained, it can quickly become a liability. Neglecting routine maintenance and safety checks in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements could land you in hot water both financially and legally. Timely safety checks on the building’s vital facilities as per prescribed guidelines can go a long way toward assuring both your property and your tenants' safety.

Lowers Tenant Attrition

A happy and healthy building equals happy renters who will honor their lease obligations. Timely repairs, cleanliness, and safety checks are all signs of a well-maintained property, which many tenants look for when seeking a place to live or work. Investing in property maintenance can assist reduce tenant turnover and lead to more beneficial long-term lease agreements.


Minor but frequent property repairs may provide a better ROI than you expect. There are simple maintenance procedures you can implement that can save you money in the long term. Investing in preventive pest control services, for example, can help avoid hefty extermination bills later on. Alternatively, timely snow management, such as shoveling or clearing the roof, can assist in avoiding substantial seasonal costs during snowstorms or bad weather.

Now that we’ve established the benefits of property maintenance, here are some general guidelines for going about it the right way. While each property is different and will require a unique maintenance plan, these are some broad pointers to get you started.

Prioritize Areas That Receive a High Volume of Traffic: Some areas of a residential complex or commercial building experience more traffic than others. Maintaining these areas can help you remain on top of situations that require quick or extensive repair.

Don’t Put off Minor Damages for Later: It may seem like a good idea to wait out or find a workaround for minor damages and repairs, but this could prove to be counterproductive. If the facility in question deteriorates, it could cause related malfunctions that could cost you far more than the original damage.

Hire Experts for Major Repairs: Liaise with site management professionals or employ subcontractors for projects outside the scope of a property manager's responsibilities. Hiring specialists will ensure that the job is finished efficiently and on time.